CD Chapter One-Hundred-Twenty-Two

03-09-17_10-05-33 PM

Kole and I went down to the thrift festival.  It was fun, I bought a lot of snow globes- why not?  They were cute.  Kole had fun trying foods and the bubble blower.  I liked the festivals and I found them fun, new things to do.  Besides, this is where I met Hanna, tons of good things happen at thrift festivals, let alone festivals.

03-09-17_10-08-48 PM

I decided to run a table with the random, weird things I had on me.  It was fun to be apart of the selling and bartering, and haggling.  It was really interesting to be in that type of environment.  I almost thought of selling some of the snow globes I had bought at a little bit of a markup, but I didn’t want to part with them.

03-09-17_10-19-40 PM

After the festival ended Kole and I stuck around to do some street art together.  I liked going out with him and spending time.  When I was going out he was always the person I asked, he didn’t have a job, he was working as an author, so he was like me.  We were both pretty much on our own schedule.

03-09-17_10-27-40 PM

We spent the entire evening together after that, karaoke, drinks, it was a great night.  And it had nothing to do with libraries or books, like where we had met, or spent most of our time together.  It was just a fun night.  I loved it.  It just made it obvious that our love was really meant to last.

03-09-17_10-46-45 PM

When we got home Kole came to me with a discussion, one I hadn’t intended to have anytime soon.  Babies.  He wanted to try for a baby.  It wasn’t something I was completely behind but I loved him.  He made valid points, we could still have our freedom, we could hire nannies when we wanted to go out, and we both worked from home most of the time so the baby would have tons of love and compassion.  I couldn’t say no to him.

03-09-17_10-48-31 PM

So we tried.  It made me feel strange, trying to have a baby.  After I was surprised to realize that I was hopeful, that I was hoping that I was pregnant.  I tried to tell myself it was because I wanted to give Kole a baby, but I knew.  I knew I wanted this too, I had needed a small push, though it wasn’t a push, it was a coaxing, or was it?  He had just said it was something he had wanted, and I had suggested it be soon.  I knew.  I knew I wanted this.  So when I took a test and I wasn’t pregnant?  I was devastated.

03-09-17_11-12-03 PM

We had to try several times for the stick to turn pink.  I hadn’t realized it was something I had wanted so badly until I had been disappointed without a baby.  I wanted one, and it seemed to take so much to make one, so much to make the test turn out positive.  It couldn’t be Kole, it had to be me, Kole was lovely, perfect, I knew whatever was giving us difficulties was me.  But then I was pregnant, I finally had a baby coming.

03-09-17_11-31-35 PM

Since we stayed home and worked I didn’t have a lot of stress.  It also kept me close to Kole who, for all intensive purposes, was a very over protective husband when it came to me being pregnant.  We both knew how much this had taken, and he knew that I would do anything for this baby.  I may have been in denial before about wanting a baby, but I wanted this baby.

03-10-17_12-51-56 AM

Even though I was pregnant I wanted to take a day with Hanna and attend my first ever Geekcon.  I wish I had dressed up but the likeliness of me sewing a costume right now, with a pregnant belly, no.  I’d rather make one up when I could fit it all the time.

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One of the best things of the day was letting Hanna know I was expecting, as if it weren’t mostly obvious by now.  I was so glad to let my oldest friend know I was expecting.  She had gotten phone calls, tear streaked phone calls, texts, I had kept talking to her.  She knew the difficulties surrounding getting pregnant, the many tries.  I was so glad to let her see the obvious proof of success.

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And Geekcon was so fun, I bought a new shirt and I had so much fun.  I can’t wait to go again, to even have Kole and Hanna with me next time.  Maybe next time I’d be able to do more without my worries of harming my pregnancy being in my way.  No matter what, I had a great time.

03-10-17_1-48-51 AM

Though, honestly, I blew up like a balloon.  I didn’t expect to get so big, so huge, but that was a good sign, I think.  All the things pregnancy came with, morning sickness, back aches, mood swings, it was all okay, as long as I got a cute healthy baby.  Or even an ugly baby, healthy baby was really the priority.

03-10-17_1-58-38 AM

Shawshank aged into an adult and with Folsom, they moved out.  The incoming baby was the reason, we needed the room, or whatever.  I didn’t mind them moving, though it left our home a little emptier.  I instantly had a yearning to fill the space, fill the space with plenty of little babies.

03-10-17_2-46-30 AM

I had a cute little girl, Cap’n.  Completely healthy, all ten fingers and all ten toes- I counted continuously.  I had a compulsion when it came to her, to my little girl.  I stayed near her, I checked that she was breathing when she was asleep.  I know the books said this was normal but I feel like my already existing conditions may make my new-mommy jitters worse.

CD Chapter One-Hundred-Twenty-One

03-09-17_3-58-02 PM

I had gone to the library to see Kole when mother sat down in front of me.  She attempted conversation but I wasn’t having it.  I had been rejecting her calls and texts for near a week.  If she thought she would charm her way back into my good graces- Shawshank was still sobbing over dad’s grave almost every day.  These were my sisters, the girls that I put above everyone else, and she had hurt them.  Not just me, but them too.  It was my job to protect them now.

03-09-17_3-58-47 PM

Kole saved me from it, he came over and saved me, like a beautiful knight in shining armor.  He didn’t know the extent of the issues I had with my mother, but he did know some, enough to know that she and I were not speaking.  And he had basically kicked her out of ‘his’ library.  I was becoming more and more infatuated with him.

03-09-17_4-03-55 PM

So I got a little risque and invited him to a heavy petting and kissing in the closet.  I’m not ready to really get physical, I’m just not there yet.  But I could be somewhat physical, a little.  And I did like him, I did like being close, but being physical- well, I felt better waiting, waiting until I was sure that it was something I wanted to do.

03-09-17_4-26-11 PM

I even still slept in a single bed, I just wasn’t ready for that kind of intimacy.  I knew I had some maturing to do.  I wanted to do a lot with my life, and working from home gave me a lot of opportunities to have a life and have friends and a social life.  There were things I could wait on, going to that level, progressing to that chapter right now, it felt too soon.  So I went on with my life, I worked, I socialized, I went out with friends.  And through those days out… Kole, goodness, he was amazing.

03-09-17_4-59-17 PM

Then the romance festival was upon the city and I decided to visit it for the second time in my life.  This time, not with my sister, but with my boyfriend.  Though we had gone out and done things, this was the first severely romantic outing.  It made me nervous to visit the festival with someone that I, well, I didn’t want to admit it, but Kole…  I loved him.  I hadn’t admitted it to him, barely even myself.  I loved him.  He understood my issues, my job, my family, I loved him.  This festival- it was a big deal to me.

03-09-17_5-04-30 PM

I asked the Guru about our relationship when Kole went off to the bathroom- a love to last the ages.  Hearing that reassured me, calmed me, probably along with the tea.  I wanted to love Kole, and if we could last the ages, well, why wouldn’t I trust the Guru?  I was glad for a small reassurance, a small thing to take away the fear of letting Kole know about my feelings.

03-09-17_5-11-34 PM

There was a small conversation between us about our feelings, and it ended in me getting on one knee.  This was the romance festival, it was the perfect place, romance was in the air and Kole said yes.  He loved me, and he said yes!  I didn’t have a boyfriend anymore, I had a fiance.  A fiance!!  It only took me half a second to decide that their already set up wedding arch made the decision easy.

We got married and they set off fireworks for us.  I had a husband, I had a husband who was beautiful, who had flaws, who had a bright and blinding soul.  I loved him, and it was so exciting to get married to him with the fireworks.  We even lucked out- Belmarsh had been at the festival too, even if it was spur of the moment, we still had family there.

03-09-17_8-51-55 PM

Kole had a lot of money, money I hadn’t known about before, and money that was now ours.  I was done with mother’s dream, so I moved us to Oasis Springs.  We built a cute little home with plenty of room for us and my sisters.  It was a cute home, nice, a new neighborhood, a fresh start.  And it was a home that was Kole and Mine’s.  Ours.  Our home.

03-09-17_8-56-01 PM

We weren’t intimate for a while after moving in together, it was slow.  Kole was a patient, kind man, he waited for me to be comfortable, and when I was- it was beautiful.  Part of me wanted us to grow our family, but I wanted to wait, I wanted to enjoy the happiness of being newlyweds.  I thought of going on a cute little camping trip, but I just didn’t see myself as much of a camper.  It would have been nice to go somewhere exotic, somewhere new, fascinating, with a different culture to learn, a whole new set of experiences to have.  The woods just weren’t that.

03-09-17_9-46-03 PM

Folsom was happy for me, happy for us, and our new home.  It was a good fresh start, it was nice to have neighbors and road leading to our home.  Perhaps if we had that previously, the fire department would have reached the house, put out the fire, and our dad wouldn’t have died.

CD Chapter One-Hundred-Twenty

03-09-17_1-40-57 AM

It seemed like all eyes were on me to lead us into greener pastures, to lead us into a better place.  I wasn’t in a rush though, there wasn’t really a reason to rush, there was plenty of time to do everything that had to be done.  There was plenty of time to find love, marry, have children.

03-09-17_2-01-27 AM

There were things that I wanted to do, like join clubs, so that I could have a social life.  One of the best things about my job was that I could work from home, and I did frequently.  It gave me a chance to quickly do my work tasks and then go do my own thing, join clubs, visit friends, I had a social life and I was glad.


03-09-17_2-29-59 AM

In a spur of the moment I texted Kole a little flirty text.  He texted back asking if I wanted to meet up.  Instantly I was nervous, I did want to meet him but I also had no idea what I was doing.  I had never had a romantic partner, this was new territory to me.

03-09-17_2-35-17 AM

We met at the bluffs and started a light flirtation.  That flirtation spiraled into more rather quickly.  I wonder if he had been thinking about me in a romantic way before, had he just been waiting for me?  Obviously Kole had a more feminine body shape than most men, and I wonder if it made him self conscious when it came to romance.  I found it attractive.

03-09-17_2-38-06 AM

Romance came easier than I had thought with Kole, I just followed my instincts and things just fell into place, like his hands falling into mine.  I wasn’t good at envisioning the future, planning for it, so I couldn’t say for sure that I could see myself growing elderly with Kole, but for now he made me feel nice, feel happy.

03-09-17_2-40-41 AM

He was quite a few firsts, including my first kiss.  I think he was surprised that I kissed him, just as I was surprised that I did it too.  I had known this would be a bit of a romantic outing, perhaps I had underestimated just how far it would go.  After that our lips found each other’s much more often, our romance quickly progressing.

03-09-17_2-51-53 AM

I was so nervous when I asked him if he would go steady with me, but he said yes.  I had my very first boyfriend.  We ended the evening there, mostly because it had turned into morning and he had to get to the library for work.  I hoped he wouldn’t be too tired, time had just slipped past me without me noticing.

03-09-17_3-25-56 PM

There was only one person that I wanted to tell about my new relationship, Hanna.  After a quick power nap I called her up and invited her to one of the fancy lounges in the city.  She was happy to hear the good news and I loved spending time with her.

03-09-17_3-27-32 PM

Hanna and I had been friends for a long time, she knew me well and accepted all my flaws and faults- even the big ones, the big cracks in my psyche.  For me to find happiness, healthy romantic happiness, we both knew it was something that I hadn’t expected to happen.  I had expected failed romances, single-motherhood with a sperm donor or something.  The relationship was early, but Kole was one of the best things that had ever happened to me.

03-09-17_3-31-37 PM

Hanna and I were best friends, and I won’t lie, she was gorgeous and when I had first befriended her I had a small crush on her.  I had possibly had hope for us but just hadn’t been able to make it happen, to make those ‘moves’.  I didn’t want to ruin our friendship, but with Kole… One semi-flirtatious text and he had made the first move- us going out.  After that it had been easy.  There was just no way I’d ruin my friendship with Hanna.

03-09-17_3-37-16 PM

That didn’t mean my attraction stopped, but honestly, who wasn’t attracted to Hanna?  And my mind was on Kole, Kole and his kisses.  Kole kisses.

CD Chapter One-Hundred-Nineteen

03-07-17_11-33-07 PM

If mother thought we were blind to what she was doing she was an idiot.  Perhaps she was simply an idiot.  It was getting increasingly hard to tell.  Our entire family had been aware when she had not come home that one night, and then she stayed away for an entire night once more.  Then, she stayed away even more.  It was ridiculous.  And here she thought she was going to have a lovely little family meeting, that she would explain everything with rational thought and reason.  We turned the tables on her- and by turned the tables I mean she got kicked out back to her ancestral home.

03-07-17_11-34-11 AM

Folsom had no interest in romance, children, or any of that. Honestly, after the stunt mother had pulled before Shawshank’s birthday with our dad, well, Shawshank didn’t really have an intention of leading mother’s legacy.  I truly had been the only one left and so I took on the responsibility.  I wasn’t focused on romance, I was still a teenager, but at least I had my friends.

03-08-17_1-24-06 AM

Naturally, as I am sure is obvious, I am Attica Caldo.  I’ve read mother’s journals, she spoke of my ‘issues’, which is by far the most inconsiderate way to put it.  I enjoy books, chess, people.  My hobbies include talking to my local librarian, Kole, and my friend Hanna.  My sister, Folsom, is my best friend.  I am, technically, insane.  I do not think that defines my entire being, though.

03-08-17_10-02-22 PM

Shawshank was probably never going to forgive mother, dad had left just before her birthday and she had been so close to him.  She was torn up, she had been visiting his grave since his death, even when he had come back, she had never been the same since the fire.  It was sad, and I had been concerned for a long time but I wasn’t sure what I could do for her.  I felt this grief would be something she would carry around for her entire life.

03-08-17_11-03-26 PM

As the new matriarch I took over most of the responsibilities, I cooked, I cleaned, but I didn’t really mind.  Keeping busy, moving through life, it helped me, a continuous movement, it kept my thoughts at bay.  The voices at bay.  The inconsistencies in my life.  If I kept moving then things were okay.

03-08-17_11-13-38 PM

It was what prompted me to get a job as a barista before school, though we had sold quite a few things of mother’s to make it by, but I wanted to be productive.  I enjoyed being productive, being part of life.  Her journals had spoken about me like I was sick, terminally ill, or a danger to others.  My ‘issues’ were simply conditions, and it wasn’t as if they were major.  Plenty of people had worse lives than me, plenty of people were dealing with worse hardships.

03-08-17_11-46-56 PM

I was the one who made our cute little cake for our birthday, I even threw us a party.  Folsom didn’t have many friends, she fished, but I had friends.  I had Kole, from the library, and Hanna, and friends from my clubs, like Dean.  I enjoyed my friends, and I wanted to throw a party.  I wanted something good for this transition, with mother and her mistakes, well, I just wanted something good.  And it was good.

03-09-17_1-08-42 AM

Adulthood came with choices, careers, relationships, and responsibilities.  I could do it, I was capable.  I entered the social media career- a career that was, even in its name, social.  For some reason I was entered in at level three, but I wasn’t complaining, obviously they saw some potential in me.  I worked from various locations, the library most frequently so I could talk to Kole.

One of my new projects as an adult was to take pictures, I wanted to take photos, to capture memories.  I thought it would be nice to decorate my room with photos of my friends and family.

CD Gen6 Outtakes & Trivia

A bit about why this went so fast; When I took that break I came back with so much having had passed that I kind of wanted to start a new generation so I could try all the new things in the updates/EPs that I had missed.  I also figured four days out from adulthood was good enough to switch generations.

04-28-16_9-16-58 PM

05-02-16_3-44-48 PM

Sapphire was out at the club (as a ghost no less).

05-02-16_5-30-41 PM

The redone kitchen.

05-02-16_11-46-24 PM

They were one of the cutest couples I’ve had in game.

You can really see the similarities between Folsom and Curare, they both have round faces, similar eyes, noses, lips, I use different skin overlays for them, but their core features are very similar.  It makes me love Attica because she looks like Juno Arcos and goodness Juno was gorgeous, I would know, I made her.

03-06-17_11-51-55 PM

03-07-17_3-49-41 PM

Shawshank and Folsom.

03-07-17_7-36-21 PM.png

I saw protesters!

03-08-17_1-00-54 AM

Gen 6 : Curare Caldo

  • Curare’s traits are : Loner, Good, Lazy. She earned Creatively Gifted, Mentally Gifted, High Metabolism, Fertile, Connections, Frugal, Gym Rat, Long Lived, Alluring, Observant, Entrepreneurial.
  • Curare’s naming theme is Prisons.
  • Curare’s aspirations were BodyBuilder (Com), Successful Lineage (Inc).
  • Gen7 Birth Order : Belmarsh (m), Folsom (f), Attica (f), Shawshank (f)
  • I started to get bored so I began to have fun with the story making bit of this blog/the CD Diaries.
  • Curare’s stomach didn’t flatten after she gave birth so I used cheats to age her up into a young adult so that her body would reset. So when I wrote she “dropped out” of high school, that’s how I made that true in the game.
  • I decided to start over with a fresh lot, no funds, because, well, it got boring having a lovely and huge house with literally over 150k in funds, I needed to struggle again. I may do it again in the future. I kind of dislike the huge lots, makes me feel like I have to fill all that space with stuff.
  • Archer enjoyed popping whims to try for a baby. 😐 I never knew if the kids were from that or the risky woohoo so I just wrote most of them as happy surprises.
  • The fire Archer died in was an accident, could I have probably extinguished him? Yea. I was just ready for the next generation.
  • After Archer’s death is when I rolled for heiress.
  • I hadn’t messed around with a ghost in sims 4 since the abilities had been released to play them and make lil ghost babies, so Archer came back to the household but I promised myself no [intentional] babies.
  • I got a lil bored with Sims (which is also why it was easy to quit playing for that long time) so that’s how Curare’s affair happened, I was bored, the baby was risky woohoo. I just decided to turn it into story for the legacy blog instead of having to reroll heiress again.
  • Curare’s chapters spanned from 110-118.